Years ago I inherited my mother in law's collection of embroidery threads and vintage transfers dating back to the 1930's.
It was a proper treasure trove of colourful embroidery floss and darning thread along with plenty of vintage transfers for pillow slips and tablecloth designs. I squirrelled them away knowing that on that famous "one day" I would use them.
Recently, I wanted something to do with my hands in the evening and not wanting to sit in the summerhouse as it was dark, dismal and dreary outside (and wanting to watch TV in front of the log fire) I sorted through the transfers and found some to try. I don't usually do much formal embroidery (only freehand on some of my needle felt designs) so I am learning how to keep inside the lines as I go along.
It has proved to be very therapeutic experience and I am enjoying the calming affect is has on me. When using embroidery threads I discover you spend a lot of time untangling, separating and changing colours which means you cannot be impatient (or watch anything with subtitles on the TV!
I don't think my first attempts will be turned into anything, I will just see where it all takes me during the forthcoming winter months.
Some of the transfers are quite complex and others pretty twee - I assume they are for tray cloths which were very popular years ago. I can remember my aunties, grandmother and mother in law using them. We should definitely slow down, set a tray, make a pot of tea and take time to drink it out of china tea cups.
I'm just going to put the kettle on.......
#embroidery #embroiderythread #textileart #embroideryhoop #embroiderytransfer #vintagethread #vintagetextile #stitch #stitching #lazydaisy #frenchknot #satinstitch #needleandthread #tangledthreads