I'm very excited about an upcoming event at the new Oxfam superstore in Cowley.
An Oxfam superstore sounds pretty exciting by itself (they even have a drive through donation drop off point - how cool is that?) but they are also hosting a number of workshops with an upcycling theme.
I have been asked by the #oxfordetsyteam to run the first workshop shortly after the store opens in September 2019.
I will be teaching people how to upcycle plain white china to turn it into a bespoke and personalised piece on Tuesday 17th September from 10.30 - 13.00. There will also be the opportunity to try out the new cafe for a coffee break.
You don't need to be artistic at all - as long as you can hold a pen and make a mark you will be able to create a really unique pattern on an egg cup, plate, vase, tea cup..........
Come along and check out the new superstore and why not stay to decorate a piece of china.
For more information and tickets go to the eventbrite site.